Past projects:

a)Interplay between molecular structure and thermomechanic properties of new actuators based on liquid crystal elastomers”. (principal investigator Dr. Valentina Domenici). Cooperation between Italy and Poland (funded by Italian and Polish Ministry of Abroad Affairs). “CANALETTO project” - period: 2013-2015.

b)Energy Storage Devices and Actuators based on Composites of Liquid Crystal Elastomers”. (principal investigator Dr. Valentina Domenici). MIT-UNIPI project for the cooperation between UNIPI (PISA) and MIT (BOSTON). Period: 2014-2016.

c) We were part of the local team, coordinated by Prof. Maria Rosaria Tinè, of the PRIN project entitled: “Nanoscale functional organization of (bio)molecules and hybrids for targeted application in sensing, medicine and biotechnologyPRIN 2010-2011 n. 2010C4R8M8.

d) We were part of the team, coordinated by Prof. Fabio Marchetti junior, of the project entitled: “Sintesi e studio delle proprietà di composti di metalli di transizione come agenti di contrasto”. Project PRA 2015.

e) We were external collaborators of the TOSCOLATA project, funded by "Regione Toscana" in the field of agricultural and food nutraceutic products (PRAF Project) 2015-2017.

f) We were part of the European COST ACTION IC1208 (“Integrating devices and materials: a challenge for new instrumentation in ICT”) 2013-2017.

g) We are part of the European COST ACTION CA15209 (“European Network on NMR Relaxometry”) 2017-2020; link to Eurelax).

h) We are part of the team, coordinated by Prof. Valter Castelvetro, of the project entitled: “Il “marine litter”: dall’analisi del problema a possibili soluzioni per una economia circolare”. UNIPI Project PRA 2017-2018.

i) Special educational project coordinated by Prof. Valentina Domenici, entitled: “Realizzazione di progetti di didattica con approccio STEM in ambito museale” for the undergraduate students of the course "Fondamenti e metodologie per l’insegnamento della chimica” (Cod. 319CC). (UNIPI Projects 2019-2020).

l) Special educational project coordinated by Prof. Valentina Domenici, entitled: “Spettroscopi storici versus spettroscopi home-made” for the undergraduate students of the course "Chimica Fisica e Laboratorio” (Cod. 122CC). (UNIPI Project 2020-2021).

m) We are part of the team, coordinated by Dr. Tommaso Lomonaco, of the project entitled: “Micro e nanoplastiche: strategie innovative per limitare il problema delle particelle “invisibili””. UNIPI Project PRA 2020 (active from September 2020 to December 2022).

n) I am part of the research unit coordinated by prof. Claudio Pogliano (University of Pisa) of the National Research Project coordinated by prof. Marco Beretta (University of Bologna) "Material and Visual Culture of Science: A longue durée Perspective", PRIN 2017 (active from March 2020 to March 2024). *** Giornate studio organizzate nell'ambito del PRIN2017: Il ruolo delle immagini e degli strumenti digitali nella didattica delle scienze, 4-5 luglio 2022. ***

o) Special educational project coordinated by Donatella Fantozzi, Cecilia Iannella, Valentina Domenici & Sergio Giudici, entitled "Andiamo al Museo. Progettazione di Percorsi didattici per la Scuola Primaria e dell’Infanzia dedicati alla visita di collezioni museali e parchi tematici", (UNIPI PROJECTS 2022-2023). 

p) Special educational project coordinated by Gaetano Angelici & Valentina Domenici, entitled: “Insegnare (e imparare) la chimica attraverso i musei e le collezioni di strumenti scientifici - Domenici Valentina”, (UNIPI Projects 2023-2024).

On going projects:

q) Special educational project coordinated by Gaetano Angelici, Laura Antonella Aronica & Valentina Domenici, entitled: “IL PICCOLO CIMENTO”, (UNIPI Projects 2021-2022) (still active).

r)Partially ordered soft systems: from the prediction to the application”. (principal investigator for UNIPI Prof. Valentina Domenici - principal investigator for MIT Dr. Giuseppe Romano). MIT-UNIPI project for the cooperation between UNIPI (PISA) and MIT (BOSTON). Period: 2023-2025.

s) I'm part of the European COST ACTION CA21159 - Understanding interaction light - biological surfaces: possibility for new electronic materials and devices (PhoBioS) 2023-; link to the web-site).

t) 'Valorizzazione della strumentazione scientifica storica per la conoscenza e per la didattica - Va3SCoDi' - progetto regionale con borsa di ricerca biennale per giovani laureati - disponibile - (Valentina Domenici, principal investigatior - group leader) (2025-).

u) I'm part of the team of the project for the STEM education and orientation 'STEM-UP' (leader Sergio Giudici, SMA) selected by the POLARIS call (2025-2026).




SMS Laboratory
Soft Matter Spectroscopy
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Department of Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry
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56124 - Pisa, Italy
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